We are pleased to invite you to participate in the first Ambassador Meeting of the RM ROADMAP Ambassador Network.

The event will be hosted by HETFA Research Institute (HU).

Date: 9 May 2023
Registration: 8:30-9:00
Open part: 09:00-10:30
Only for Ambassadors: 11:00-18:00

Venue: Danubius Hotel Helia, Budapest Hungary

The RM-ROADMAP Project is Funded by the European Union (Project 101058475), and coordinated by EARMA. More information:

Deadline for registration: 18 April 2023.


We look forward to welcoming you at the event!

Please note that the ERA Action 17 workshop on the Research Management Initiative will be held in Budapest, Hungary on 10 May 2023. The event is invitation based, but the aim is that ambassadors attend the morning sessions of the event and contribute to the specification of the action plan. More details are coming soon.

* indicates required

For the purpose of organising the 1st RM ROADMAP Ambassador Network meeting, HETFA Research Institute collects the following personal data: - Full name -Contact information (email, country, title of organisation) - Limited health data: allergies and dietary restrictions The collected data will be securely stored on a protected location that only HETFA controls the access to.  The collected personal data is only used for the purpose of event management and the registration data for the Ambassador Meeting and will be only shared with RM Roadmap partners. The collected data will be kept for maximum 5 years after the end of the meeting. For documentation and promotion purposes we will make photos and video recording of the event, a selection of which may be published on our websites, social media channels and in print media.